Alle wichtigen Infos für den Besuch vor Ort
The Felix Jenewein Gallery is a municipal gallery of fine arts. Besides managing art collections, it focuses systematically on holding exhibitions. The gallery‘s management is located in Sankturin House in Kutná Hora.
In 1941, Mrs Marie Jenewein, Mr Jenewein’s widow, bequeaved Mr Jenewein’s works of art to the City of Kutná Hora. It is thanks to her that, aside from the National Gallery in Prague, Kutná Hora has become the owner of a very high-quality collection of almost 200 pieces of Jenewein’s works of art. The main and most important part is naturally the Jenewein collection, which is a very valuable collection from the point of view of art history. In terms of numbers, it surpasses even the representative collection of Jenewein’s works held at the National Gallery in Prague.
Sankturinovský dům, Palackého nám. 377
28400 Kutná Hora
+420 327512347
9 - 12; 12,30 - 17 hours
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